Experience Wellness

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How We Can Help

You are busy . . .

Running a business, managing a family, and making life work and need your body to function as it should so you can continue to do what you love.

You don’t have 3 hours a day to spend on your health, but are motivated to feel better and can clearly see the value of being healthier.

To achieve this goal, you are looking for the simplest, most powerful changes you can make, specific to YOU, to give you the best, quickest and longest lasting results.

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Meet Dr. Jeff

Dr. Jeff Crippen’s passion is to live life to the fullest and help others do the same. He is a Chiropractor, Certified Traditional Naturopath and Life Force Particle Recovery Coach with a passion for helping others unlock their true potential. He enjoys seeing his clients win, improve their health and live the life they want.

This passion stems from his own personal struggles.

At age 6, Jeff began to experience severe migraines. As the headaches became more frequent and more severe, he visited a variety of medical professionals including pediatricians, orthopedists, orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, neurosurgeons, optometrists, and acupuncturists among others.


Client Testimonials

I am down a total of 17 pounds – (13%). Lowest in 8-9 years. Lots of energy. Sleeping pretty good. Still some shoulder pain – but, minimal. John is down 15+ pounds and several inches. Side note: We had to stop 3 times during our Sunday shopping for him to pull up his pants. (He failed to wear the belt he had just punched a new, smaller hole in) I am sure he may have been mistaken for a rapper or wanna be plumber. Great results – and life changing life style. Thanks for all of your help!
Linda and John S, Overall Health, Wellness, Texas
“We are just as appreciative of you and are so grateful for your help. You are making a believer out of Casper every day that he improves. He is taking his supplements – without my reminding him. He has to take ownership in his health and this journey – I can’t force it. As always you impressed another of the Banks men. Thanks for your time and patience.”
Julie and Casper B, Children’s Health, Texas
“Let me just say…thank you for your encouragement. I did overcome the anxiety enough to sing…and it WAS great…All glory to God!! Awesome how this worked out, but the song was entitled “called me higher”. It’s all about not staying within our comfort zones, and letting go of fear to follow Him. Again, many thanks to you for your words of encouragement, and for helping me process this experience! With gratitude,”
Chasa B, Anxiety, Texas
“Thank you for the information about hormones, it is very interesting. I just wanted to thank you for your help maintaining my overall health and putting an end to my headaches. I found your information useful and have incorporated the dietary changes into my daily routine. I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how grateful I am for your advice. I have been feeling much better and sleeping well. Currently I am transitioning off my rheumatoid medications so that I can have another child. Right now, so far so good, but I may make an appointment with you if my situation changes as I wean myself from these strong medications. Thank you!”
Gayle B, Headaches, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hormones, Texas
“A very important issue for me is health improvements. More specifically: keep myself with a subtle and sustainable energy (good quality energy) to generate great things and share part of my life with others. . .I made lots of improvements with Jeff. I changed my mindset in this issue and my body as well. Thanks Jeff. The nutrients were like a shot for me. Lots of Energy. Like the effect of “Taurina” and “caffeine” in high doses (jejejeje). Thanks to send me all this natural healing and simulants for a green zone body.”
Rigoberto A, Energy Levels, León, Mexico
“Thank you! And good news! I started my period this morning. The good news is I didn’t have a headache last night. I always have a horrible headache the day/night before. Nothing can get rid of it except sleeping it off. So! That’s good! Thank you again.”
Suzanne G, Hormones / Headaches, Texas
“Dr. Jeff, I cannot thank you enough for all your help in getting my health in better order. I have not felt better and I am not saying to myself, “you are just getting older, just have to learn to live with the new normal.” I don’t want the new normal, want to be myself and continue to feel as good as I do now. Thank you for all you have done for me and look forward to continued WINS with your help!!!!! Tammy”
Tammy G, Weight Loss, Allergies, Digestive and Respiratory Health, Texas
“I have been taking my now 10 year old son to see Dr. Crippen for over a year. My goal was for him to get my son off of his asthma inhaler that he was needing up to 3 times a day. Within 1 week of treatment with nutrition and new diet recommendations my son was able to be inhaler free and has remained that way for a year! Dr. Crippen now treats many of my family members with great success.”
Brodie D, Asthma, Texas
“My family and my self had received the benefit of the practice of Jeff Crippen and I can tell you that it feels so peaceful to be connected to a being with all this abilities because every time you meet with him. He is really able to spot the right problem at the right time, Green Zone Holistic Consulting that´s GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Raul R, Overall Health, Systemic Balance, Guadalajara, Mexico
“The foot is doing much better. I actually put on a pair of my athletic shoes and walked about 15 minutes today. I think you did something magical with your the “injury duplication re-connective process you ran on the feet/legs. The next morning Saturday, I woke up with a surge of energy and was very physically active all day. . . I have been able to walk and do more. Thank you, Jeff.”
Shoshana P, Foot Pain, Texas