Dr. Crippen uses a specific, non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying cause of illness and non-optimum health.

This clinically proven system may seem quite different from other healing practices. It differs from traditional medical care as it is not based on masking symptoms through drugs but instead is based on finding the exact underlying cause, removing that specific stressor and then supporting the restoration of health through clinically designed nutrition and positive lifestyle modification.

The result is improved health and the achievement of health goals that previously seemed “out of reach” or “no longer possible.”

This is done by supporting the natural healing potential of the body, allowing you to experience optimum health.

Our Process

  • Through an analysis of your body and health history, Dr. Crippen determines the body systems that are not functioning at an optimum level (i.e. digestive system, thyroid, circulation) as well as the stressors (foods, immune challenges, chemicals, toxicities or allergens) contributing to this non-optimum function.
  • Dr. Crippen will discuss his findings with you as well as recommend specific supplements to you,
  • Since supplements are meant to replace nutrients your missing in your diet we will also evaluate your diet and lifestyle habits and recommend specific changes to maximize your improvement.

Why doesn’t everyone understand the value of alternative medicine or diet or exercise or prevention or chiropractic?

This is a great question, but before I answer this, I have a confession for you. At first, I didn’t get it either. If you ready my story (Click here), you will know that I suffered with headaches for years before I ventured into alternative medicine. When I was young, my family and I thought alternative medicine was weird, diet didn’t matter and chiropractors were quacks. We didn’t know if it “worked” or not, because we literally never thought about it.

So when a new patient comes into my office skeptical, I understand. I was there.

In fact, after I saw an amazing chiropractor who helped me heal, I still didn’t get it. After eighteen months the headaches that had plagued me for seven years were gone. I was back to living a normal teenage life. I felt great. So great, in fact, that I stopped going to see him. After all, all I wanted was to be out of pain and live a normal life, and when the headaches were much improved, I was happy. I thought my heath journey was over.

  • However, it was just getting started. The problem was, while I was pain free and happy, I was not cured. In fact, as I celebrated by discontinuing my supplements and starting to cheat on my no sugar no dairy diet, the headaches came back, with a vengeance. In fact, they came back worse than before.
  • Through this experience, I realized I didn’t understand what health was. I too thought health was simply being out of pain. So, when the headaches were better I thought I was healed. I stopped the healthy habits and the pain came back.
  • At first, as a patient, I didn’t understand what alternative health was, or the importance of handling the underlying cause. It was only through my own study and my own experience that I realized the importance of healthy habits and that health is a journey not a destination.
  • So when a patient doesn’t get it, I understand, because I was once there too. We won’t judge you what you don’t know. We are here to support you on your own health journey.
  • My first experience with a doctor doing kinesiology, muscle testing, was incredibly weird. I laughed at the doctor, to his face (and then apologized for it)!

When the doctor first told me to stop eating sugar and dairy, I asked him, “Seriously? If I don’t eat anything with sugar or dairy, What’s left?”

So if you are not sure if this is right for you, I understand. In fact, for years I was sure this was not right for me. It is only when I was finally sick enough, frustrated enough and desperate enough that I tried alternative medicine.

No matter if you are entering into alternative medicine for the first time, or have lived this for a lifetime, I will meet you where you are. Education is one of my core principles and my goal is to empower you to understand more about your health so you can take more responsibility for your health and the health of those around you.