Did you know bone loss is a side effect of many common medications? To create healthy bones, make sure you review the medications you are taking to ensure you are not creating bone loss unknowingly, as a side effect of another drug.  Medication and bone health are related.  So,  it’s important to have discussions with your Dr. about how to balance the two in order to maintain strong bones.

medication and bone health

Bone loss is a common side effect of some medications. Is your bone loss caused by a medication you are taking?

    • Corticosteroids. (Such as Celestone, Prednisone or Medrol, Dexamethasone )If your doctor has prescribed long-term corticosteroids, make sure to discuss the potential risk factor of bone loss and implement the preventive steps outlined in this article.
    • Thyroid hormone. (Such as Synthroid, Levoxyl, L Thyroxine)  Elevated levels of thyroid hormone, caused by taking too much of popular thyroid medications, such as Synthroid, result in bone loss. Make sure you and your doctor discuss this potential risk factor and monitor your thyroid levels with blood work.
    • Acid Blocking medications. (Such as: Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid, etc.) The digestion of calcium requires an acidic stomach. Because of this, acid-blocking medications (both prescription and over-the-counter medications) inhibit calcium absorption. This means, even if you eat calcium-rich foods, if you are taking these medications, you may not be digesting the calcium.
      • Prescription acid blockers include two types, Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) such as Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid. H2 blockers include Zantac, Prilosec and Tagamet.
      • Without sufficient acid, your body struggles to digest calcium. So if you eat it, but can’t digest it, your body won’t use it.
      • A natural alternative to acid-blocking medications is Apple Cider Vinegar. Drink one tablespoon before meals to optimize digestive function and increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals such as calcium.

Next week we look at Myth Five – All You Need is Love (Calcium).