Stress and Health
Did you know?:
- Stress accounts for 75% of all doctor visits(CDC, 2018)
- Up to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints.
- Not managing stress is more dangerous than smoking or high cholesterol.
- People grieving the death of a close loved one have up to a 2,000% increased risk of a heart attack.
- Cortisol slope, a measure of the stress response hormones, is the strongest predictor of longevity ever studied.
- Dysregulation of the stress hormone cortisol contributes to up to 95% of all chronic disease.
- Studies have proven a connection between stress and cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, GERD and auto-immune disease, among many others.
Yet the reverse is true, those who are best able to handle stress and maintain an optimistic mood level. They:
- Are 50% less likely to develop heart disease
- Live 7-15 years longer than those who were the least optimistic
- Experience more positive emotions
- Have greater life satisfaction
- Have more energy (increased vitality) and
- Experience less stress and depression
Handling stress effectively is truly, in Dr. Crippen’s experience, the foundational corner stone upon which great health is built.
To learn more about Dr. Crippen’s favorite way to manage stress and create a happier life, click here.